When you don’t know how to maintain your car, it will cost you money. There is more you can do besides being familiar with the make and model of your car. This article will teach you about the more general tips you need to know.
Prior to having your car repaired, ask how much you will have to pay. If something is unclear, have the mechanic or service counter rep clarify it for you before any work is done on the car. You do not want to be surprised with added charges when you are handed the final bill.
Ask mechanics if they have worked on your particular make and model of car before contracting with them. If they say that they have, this should be a good indicator that they have some idea of what needs to be done to get your car back into shape.
You don’t want rust to attack your car so take the time to wash it on a regular basis. Cars are all destined to rust, but the process can be slowed by keeping salt and chemicals away from the paint whenever you can. Use a decent wax for protecting paint jobs as much as you can.
Replace your light bulbs on your own. While it’s easier in some vehicles than others, it’s a whole lot cheaper to do it yourself. Ask someone you trust if he can teach you how to fix these problems.
Find out about all costs before hiring a mechanic. Ask questions until you are sure you have clear answers. Know where the estimated prices come from. Some shops will give an estimate on the repair time based on manufacturers guidelines. A lot of repairs that seem to be easy to fix could end up taking a whole day in some cases.
Be sure that you make a note of your oil change schedule. If you want your car to run the way it should, its oil needs to be changed regularly. Most mechanics will place a sticker inside your vehicle to remind you of when the next oil change is due, but you should write down when you changed the oil if you do this yourself.
Don’t be fooled into getting an engine flush by repair technicians, as it is not a normal procedure. This service is expensive and it may not be necessary.
Transmission Fluid
Don’t buy parts from anyone claiming that they’ll last a lifetime. This is total spin – just a way to grab more of your cash. For instance, certain cars have transmission fluid that is claimed to last a lifetime. While the transmission fluid will last quite a while, it won’t last forever. It is best to change it at the 80,000 mile mark.
Bleed brakes after you’ve worked on them and before test driving them. Once done, give the brake fluid a pump. Look for any leaks. Now you can give the car a test drive when there is little traffic. Begin slowly and gradually pick up speed to determine if the issue is fixed.
You don’t need a mechanic’s help to add oil to the car, or to add windshield wiper fluid. You can do these things just as well as a trained auto mechanic can. Learn how to do the job online, which has many resources to teach you, then jump right in.
As you have likely surmised, there are many benefits to learning about auto repair. Teach others what you know, and do not hesitate to go to a mechanic if you are not skilled enough to fix your problem. Keep these tips in mind; you may even be able to do minor repairs on your own.
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